29 Quotes & Sayings By Annette Vaillancourt

Annette Vaillancourt is an award-winning author who has written more than thirty novels and three hundred short stories. Her books have been published in twenty-four countries and translated into fourteen languages, including Chinese and Japanese. Annette is the recipient of the Golden Quill for excellence in Canadian fiction and the Hammond Heritage Award for lifetime achievement. She lives in Toronto with her husband, a retired professor who generously allows her to live a freelance life of writing both fiction and nonfiction.

Inspired action comes from the guidance of Spirit, not ego. When in doubt, don’t. Inspired action is responsive, not reactive. Annette Vaillancourt
Self-love is meant to be your foundation. It is your birthright. Once you get it — once you really feel what it is like to love yourself… to fall in love with yourself — you might never want to leave this stage. Annette Vaillancourt
By giving to yourself you are fulfilled, abundant and generous. You have spare love to share. Annette Vaillancourt
Self-love diminishes no one. It blesses others. Annette Vaillancourt
Guilt is a waste of time unless you learn how to be more loving the next time a similar situation presents itself. Annette Vaillancourt
When you have clarity and commit to manifesting your heart’s desire, you will be drawn to those who light you up on every level…and they will be drawn to you. Annette Vaillancourt
The moment you meet your SoulMate is the ultimate synchronicity. Lucky is the person who recognizes in that very moment the intersection of the perfect time, perfect place and perfect person. Annette Vaillancourt
Aside from actually manifesting your SoulMate, synchronicities, equanimity and gratitude are the three main signs that your inner work is working and you are on the right path to manifesting your SoulMate. Annette Vaillancourt
I tend to view synchronicities as proof that I am on the right path. It’s like a pat on the back from God. Annette Vaillancourt
Surrender creates equanimity and bliss because you release yourself from any attachment to the results. Annette Vaillancourt
It’s yummy to love yourself. It feels good. When you truly love yourself, you are radiant, charismatic and irresistible to your SoulMate. Annette Vaillancourt
Love changes you, grows you, and reveals all the places where your heart is small. SoulMate love is transformative. Not everyone is ready for that. Annette Vaillancourt
To manifest your SoulMate you have to either invite others into your world or go out into their world. Either way, you have to open the door. Annette Vaillancourt
Loving people are magnetic. To attract your SoulMate, BE the loving person you want to be, and do it NOW. Annette Vaillancourt
Who would you have to become and what would you have to believe about yourself to attract exactly the SoulMate you desire? Annette Vaillancourt
If you try to send a clear signal to and call your SoulMate into your life, having unfinished business with your ex is like static on the line. Annette Vaillancourt
SoulMates resonate on many levels. Something deep in me recognizes something deep in you that is sacred. Annette Vaillancourt
When you live as a fountain of abundant love, instead of an empty well waiting to be filled by a lover, you will attract your SoulMate. Annette Vaillancourt
1 likes Like Yes, there will be rough times with your SoulMate, especially when you run up against your remaining ego barriers or trigger them in each other. Annette Vaillancourt
You and your SoulMate are pioneers on the frontier of spiritual partnerships. You are the cusp of the next evolutionary wave. As architects of true SoulMate relationships, you are the Magellans of inner space. Annette Vaillancourt
Do all the things NOW that you were waiting to do until AFTER your SoulMate arrived! Annette Vaillancourt
The good news is that you don’t have to remove absolutely every single barrier that stands between you and your SoulMate. You just have to remove enough of them. Annette Vaillancourt
No, you don’t have to be perfect or completely healed and whole to manifest your SoulMate, and neither do they. Annette Vaillancourt
When you recognize that you are your own SoulMate, you feel at home and peaceful within yourself, no matter what is going on in your love life. Annette Vaillancourt
Surrender activates the Law of Attraction Annette Vaillancourt
Once you truly surrender, you won’t feel like you are waiting anymore. You won’t know how quickly or where your SoulMate will show up. Prepare to be surprised! Annette Vaillancourt
Surrender doesn’t have to be a heavy, solemn thing. It can be a joyous relief. Finally the burden is off you. Annette Vaillancourt
When you surrender, you live in eager anticipation of the surprise. The dual weights of yearning and despair are cast off. Annette Vaillancourt